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Domains no longer supported by GoDaddy

GoDaddy offers hundreds of domains to help you get the best brand for your online venture. Unfortunately, some domains are no longer available for new registrations, transfers or renewals, and we have officially ended support for them. But don't worry — we have lots of other options available!

Effective February 28, 2024

New registrations and incoming transfers are no longer supported for .TEL, but you can still renew your existing registrations.

Effective March 1, 2022

New registrations are no longer supported for these domains, but you can still renew your existing registrations.

Effective June 24, 2021

New registrations and incoming transfers are no longer supported for these domains, but you can still renew your existing registrations.

Effective January 13, 2021

New registrations and incoming transfers are no longer supported for these domains, but you can still renew your existing registrations.

.qpon: Check out these alternatives.

Effective April 6, 2020

GoDaddy is temporarily not accepting new registrations or incoming transfers for these domains.

.ve: New registrations and transfers are not supported due to new registry rules requiring customers to provide a Tax Identification Registry "RIF" or Identity Card in order to complete .ve registrations. You can still renew your existing registrations.

Effective March 18, 2019

New registrations and incoming transfers are no longer supported for these domains, but you can still renew your existing registrations.

.desi: Check out these alternatives.

Effective May 30, 2018

New registrations and incoming transfers are no longer supported for these domains, but you can still renew your existing registrations.

.voting: Check out these alternatives.

Effective August 23, 2017

New registrations and incoming transfers are no longer supported for these domains, but you can still renew your existing registrations.

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