खाता प्रबंधन मदद

View my GoDaddy receipts

See past purchases on your Order History page, then print or download the receipts.

Download a receipt

  1. Go to your GoDaddy Order History page. You might be prompted to sign in.
  2. Select the checkbox next to the receipt you want to download. Or, if you want to download all your receipts to one file, select the checkbox in the top left corner.
    select the checkbox

    Note: If you select all your receipts and they don’t download, try selecting fewer receipts.

  3. Select Export to CSV. The file will download.
    select export to csv

Print a receipt

  1. Go to your GoDaddy Order History page. You might be prompted to sign in.
  2. Select the Order # of the receipt you want to print. The receipt details will display, including the billing address, payment information and product purchased.
    select order number
  3. Select Print to PDF. The receipt will open as a PDF and can be printed from the file.
    select print to pdf

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